Beer Advocate on why craft matters

This month’s Beer Advocate starts with a really great blurb about why this whole “craft” vs. “crafty” distinction is important:

It’s easy not to care about this seemingly arbitrary definition. So long as the beer tastes good, right? Wrong. With a growing number of brewers selling out to AB InBev and the like, it’s critical to draw and hold the line. Why? Because these corporate brewers are not only buying up craft brewers. They’ve practically owned the distribution channels, raw ingredient producers, and retail placement for ages and have begun to diversify their interests into homebrew suppliers, bars, publications, websites, and probably every other facet of the industry… And there’s intentionally little to no disclosure, which makes it even easier not to care. This, of course, works to the benefit of Big Beer.

Couldn’t say it better myself.  Craft on.